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Diplomirala sam na Fakultetu primenjenih umetnosti u Beogradu, 1995. na katedri kostima. Odmah posle diplomskog, pocela sa radom u pozoristima sirom Srbije. Sledi rad na filmu, u industriji, editorijali, reklamne kampanje I samostalno ucesce na BFW. Raznovrsnost poslova, donosi mi sirinu iskustva I pomaze u radu u svim aspektima modnog I dizajna uopste. Od 2011.god. za svoj brend BUDISLAVA dizajniram odecu, obucu, tasne I nakit i izlazem ih u svojoj radnji u okviru Belgrad Design District-a. Od 2021. prelazim u moj novi prodajni prostor u TC Galerija.


Poseban trenutak u karijeri: Posle konkursa na kome ucestvuje preko 50 dizajnera, osvajam kao nagradu, ucesce na reviji na Londonskoj nedelji mode u okviru Fashion scout programa i predstavljam kolekciju: SS 2016. ELEMENTS INSIDE, septembar 2015. London, UK.

-KolekcijU DARK THOUGHTS ABOUT VAUDEVILLE, predstavljena je na jubilarnm 40-tom BFW, okt/nov 2016.

-Kolekciju UVELICANJE/AUGMENTATION Pre Fall 17, predstavljam na 41. BFW u martu 2017.  I nagradjena sam nagradom Textile Designer Award.

-Kolekciju DISTANCE SS18. Predstavljam  na 42. BFW, a odmah potom i na 39. NIVEA FW u Sarajevu.

-Na Ljubljana Fashion Week-u, u aprilu 2018. grupno izlazem  sa kolegama iz BDD-a i predstaviljam malu Ready to wear kolekciju.

-U aprilu 2018. Kolekciju OVERLAPPING  Pre Fall 18.predstavljam na 43. Beogradskoj nedelji mode, a u novembru 2018. dobijam prestiznu nagradu -Boris NIkolic- za savremeni  modni izraz. 

- Kolekciju DVOJNOST NEZNE SUPERJAKE prikazujem 2019. u aprilu, na 45-toj Beogradskoj nedelji mode i zajedno sa kolegama iz BDD-a dobijam grupnu Specijalnu nagradu Beogradske nedelje mode.

U oktobru 2019. iz Ljubljane?Slovenija, dodeljena mi je nagrada za Modni dizajn BIG SEE

-Kolekcija RIPPLES IN THE FABRIC OF SPACE-TIME/Wedding attire, predstavljena je na 47. Beogradskoj nedelji mode, u digitalnom formatu, tokom pandemije Corona virusa u oktobru 2020. .Nominovana je za ELLE designer Award.

-Kolekcija COTTCOUTURE PF22. prikazana jje u maju 49. BFW

-U periodu od 2022 do 2024. izlazem na svakom BFW-u na grupnim tematskim revijama: 'Jovanka u boji", "Omaz Aleksandru Joksimovicu", "80-te", i kao dobitnik Textil Uzice nagrade, deo sam grupne revije "Urban nostalgia" u oktobru ostalim laureatima.

-U toku je izrada sledece kolekcije za Nedelju mode u Budimpesti AW25/26...


Graduated at Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade, in 1995. at department of costume design. Just after graduation, Budislava started to work in theaters all over Serbia. Following, work on film sets, industrial environment, editorials for magazines, advertising campaigns and participating in first years of Belgrade Fashion Week. Diversity of work engagement brings her broadness of experience and helps in all aspects of fashion and design in general. Today, Budislava is designing clothing, shoes, bags and jewelry for her own brand. BUDISLAVA store was her brand’s selling point from 2011. but in 2021. she moved to TC Galerija.


Special moment in career: after competing with 50 other Serbian designers, as award, I get to present my collection at Show at London Fashion Week, on September 2015, exhibiting SS2016 collection on Fashion Scout platform, London, UK.

Collection -Augmentation- Pre Fall 17, was presented at Belgrade Fashion Week, in March, 2017. for which I was awarded with Textile award for design.

Collection -Distance- SS18, was presented at 42nd Belgrade Fashion Week and after that at 39th NIVEA Bosnia Fashion Week at Sarajevo. At Ljubljana Fashion Week, in April 2018. Budislava showed small collection of Ready to wear pieces on a group show with BDD colleagues.

On  April 2018, collection -Overlapping- Pre Fall 18, was presented at 43rd Belgrade Fashion Week, which was later, in november same year, awarded with prestigious -Boris Nikolic- award for contemporary fashion expression

Latest collection, -Duality of Gentle Superstong-  Pre fall 19. was presented at 45th Belgrade Fashion Week on 18th of April and awarded with Special Award Of Belgrade Fashion Week

In October of 2019. I was awarded with Fashion Design Award, from South-east platform BIG SEE

-The RIPPLES IN THE FABRIC OF SPACE-TIME/Wedding attire collection was presented at the 47th Belgrade Fashion Week, in digital format and during the Corona virus pandemic. in October 2020. It was nominated for the ELLE designer Award.

-COTTCOUTURE PF22 collection was shown in May 2022 at the 49th BFW

-From 2022. to 2024, I presented at t every BFW in group themed shows: 'Jovanka in color', "Homage to Aleksandar Joksimovic', '80s', and as a winner of the Textil Uzice award, my models were  part of the group show "Urban nostalgie" in October 2024 with other laureates.

-Next collection for Budapest Fashion Week AW25/26 is in the making




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